William Robert and Sarah Matilda Hart

William Robert and Sarah Matilda Hart
[written by: Kathleen M. Hart Ellis]

The window "Suffer The Little Children To Come Unto Me" is situated on the west side of the church. It was installed 1966 in memory of the parents of Kathleen Hart Ellis and Frances Hart Waring.

Our great-grandmother, Mrs. Stephen Alger Hart, a widow, and her son, James, came from England in 1860 and settled on the north-west comer of Wonderland and Commissioners Road. From there, she walked to the little Anglican Church at Hall's Mills, which later became St. Anne's Church of Byron.

Her grandson, William Robert Hart, married Sarah Matilda Wright in 1909 and they purchased a home in Byron on Commissioners Road West.
William was a lay-reader of the Anglican Church and Sarah a soloist.
There is a little story about this window when it was being designed. The original drawing was sent from the Toronto glass firm to our rector at that time, the Reverend Canon Robert Mills, for approval. Knowing of my interest in art, the rector showed it to me, and I disapproved. The dove was crowded up into the border at the top of the window and appeared to be hanging there by its wings, and the child kneeling at the feet of Christ had a right foot on a left leg! Needless to say, the design was returned to Toronto and corrected.

The manufacturer of the window was Robert McCausland of Toronto.

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