Displaying items by tag:Reverend Valerie Kenyon
Rector's Message

An Advent Reflection by Canon Val
Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time;
Ephesians 5:15,16a
For many of us we live under the tyranny of time, consuming time just as we do other products, at once never seeming to have quite enough of it while ironically also taking it for granted. We can forget that time is finite, holy really, and at times of the year like Advent, we are asked to be especially aware and to treat time as sacred, as a gift from God like none other. For in the end, it will be how we spent the minutes in our lives that will add up to the kind of life that we have passed. Seasons like Advent, ask us to consider thinking of our daily use of time as part of our worship of God, and as part of our expression of faith.
Throughout Advent we will hear readings that encourage us to first wake from our sleep and then to stay awake. These kinds of encouragements are asking us to take an open and honest look at our lives. As we begin this new Church year, we are invited to examine within ourselves just what it might mean for us as individuals and as members of this faith community to be disciples of Jesus in this moment, in the setting where God has placed us. Are we able to be expectant? Where are the sticking points for us? Where are
opportunities for our growth and development? For we seek, and we ask and we knock, because we have caught a glimpse of the face of our beloved, the one whose love for us knows no bounds. And so, we press on for our hearts having been transformed, we are compelled to continue, to determine what our response of love will be and how we are called to live out intentional lives of gratitude and wonder. The “how” of it all, shapes the kind of questions we carry into this new year. May Advent be for each of us a rich and transformative time, inspired by love and filled with possibilities at every turn.
Welcome to St. Anne's
Welcome to the website for the congregation of St. Anne's (Byron), an active Anglican (Episcopal) congregation in the western part of London, Ontario. Reverend Canon Valerie Kenyon is our priest. We extend a warm welcome to all visitors, and those looking for a new church home, being blessed with visitors on a regular basis. Our church and parish hall are both wheelchair accessible.
Check out our events calendar to see what is happening in the coming weeks!
As you explore St. Anne’s website you will get a glimpse of the lives and activities of people who make up the family of God at St. Anne’s. There are many more whose names are not recorded here but whose memory is cherished, whose lives have shaped our lives and whose hard work and love of Christ built a foundation stronger than the foundation laid over 170 years ago with field stones and mortar from surrounding farm land, a foundation that is held together by its cornerstone – Jesus Christ. We are not a perfect family; we are a real family who daily put our lives in the hands of a perfect God, who continually conforms us into Christ’s likeness.
Along with Anglicans around the globe, we at St. Anne’s hold the traditional faith of Christians through the ages. We look back with thanksgiving for blessings received and we look ahead with joy, wondering what new song we are to sing unto the Lord. (Psalm 144:9) The holy friendship we share with God and one another makes us a family and the ministry to which every person you see here and beyond these pages is called, leads us into joyful service of the community in which we live. Our work is simple, to worship God, build a relationship with His Son and love one another as Christ has loved us. (John 15:12)
To get the most out of this website, check our Events Calendar for the list of activites and then consider our other menu items such as Church Seasons. Look for updates and current news on our Outreach and Faith and Worship pages.
Donations to support the ongoing ministry at St. Anne’s Byron can be made in several ways:
- with cash or cheques in a Sunday envelope at church
- e-transfers may be sent to
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- through automatic withdrawals on your bank account or credit card arranged with our Envelope Secretary, Verna M.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
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