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Displaying items by tag:Early memories

Saturday, 14 April 2018 20:12

Growing up with St. Anne's

Growing Up with St. Anne’s..... (A five part series of memories)
Written by:  Author requests to remain anonymous

Part One
In 1923, I was born and subsequently Christened at the old St. Anne’s Church, by the Reverend Mr. Durnford. The manse was in Hyde Park adjacent to the Anglican Church. Rev. Durnford’s Parish consisted of 3 churches – Byron’s St. Anne’s, Lambeth at the intersection of Longwoods Road and Colonel Talbot Road and at Hyde Park.

St. Anne’s was his earliest Sunday service which began at 11:00 a.m. and Sunday School at 10:00 a.m., which was held in the church, the boys sat at the rear with their teacher and the girls in the front pew, listening to our Miss Shearme in her black button boots and elegant suit and neat little hat, flicking the pages of a 2’ x 3’ series of coloured pictures showing Jesus and his Ministry in the Holy Land. We were a group of seven – Doris, Betty, Marian, Eva, Shirley, Gwen, Marjorie – and most of us are still alive, perhaps proof that Byron is a very good place to live.

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